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清代姚远翿所编《华岳志》是以陕西华山为中心的山志,其中著录了历朝历代与华山相关的诗歌。这些诗歌对于完善断代文学总集的编纂,具有一定的参考价值。同时,该书著录诗歌也存在不少错误,尤其在误标作品题目、误标作者姓名和误标作者朝代三个方面,体现得最为明显。上述情况便是《华岳志》著录诗歌的得失。  相似文献   
南岳衡山旅游品牌形象的定位探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
南岳衡山为五岳名山,秀美的自然生态景观与博大精深的人文资源交相辉映,是全国知名的旅游目的地之一。文章从南岳衡山本底旅游形象出发,进行分析与评价,由此确定其旅游形象定位的策略与原则,提出"寿岳独秀"的新旅游品牌形象,以提高其旅游竞争力与感召力,促进其旅游业的协调和可持续发展。  相似文献   
八百余年前 ,南宋朝状元王十朋任绍兴府佥判 ,为官清廉 ,勤政为民 ,坚守节气 ,精忠报国。基于其深厚的历史文化底蕴和深切的人文关怀 ,考察越中山水 ,以独特的视角和特殊的情怀反映出稽山鉴水的各个方面 ,从而留下具有深刻价值的史料文献  相似文献   
As part of its preparation to review a potential license application from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is examining the performance of the proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository. In this regard, we evaluated postclosure repository performance using Monte Carlo analyses with an NRC-developed system model that has 950 input parameters, of which 330 are sampled to represent system uncertainties. The quantitative compliance criterion for dose was established by NRC to protect inhabitants who might be exposed to any releases from the repository. The NRC criterion limits the peak-of-the-mean dose, which in our analysis is estimated by averaging the potential exposure at any instant in time for all Monte Carlo realizations, and then determining the maximum value of the mean curve within 10000 years, the compliance period. This procedure contrasts in important ways with a more common measure of risk based on the mean of the ensemble of peaks from each Monte Carlo realization. The NRC chose the former (peak-of-the-mean) because it more correctly represents the risk to an exposed individual. Procedures for calculating risk in the expected case of slow repository degradation differ from those for low-probability cases of disruption by external forces such as volcanism. We also explored the possibility of risk dilution (i.e., lower calculated risk) that could result from arbitrarily defining wide probability distributions for certain parameters. Finally, our sensitivity analyses to identify influential parameters used two approaches: (1). the ensemble of doses from each Monte Carlo realization at the time of the peak risk (i.e., peak-of-the-mean) and (2). the ensemble of peak doses calculated from each realization within 10000 years. The latter measure appears to have more discriminatory power than the former for many parameters (based on the greater magnitude of the sensitivity coefficient), but can yield different rankings, especially for parameters that influence the timing of releases.  相似文献   
武则天以女皇身份封禅嵩山 ,不仅使她成为中国封禅史上惟一的女性封禅者 ,而且是惟一的在泰山之外举行封禅大礼的封禅者。武则天登封嵩山 ,向天地告成功 ,求福佑 ,不仅借以粉饰太平 ,而且欲借以证明武周政权是天命所归 ,其本人也是功高德厚的一代圣主。武则天之所以登封嵩山 ,与嵩山优越的自然条件 ,魏晋以来封禅嵩山的呼声 ,本人祈求长生、以丈夫自居以及标新立异的心性 ,驾驭群臣、稳定社会的需要有关。武则天封禅嵩山的成功举行 ,打破了自古以来男性独霸“祭天告成”大典主持人角色和泰山独居封禅圣地的局面。  相似文献   
"采菊东篱下,悠然见南山"之句历受文人称赏,主要有以下四点原因:将日常生活诗意化,体现了人与自然的和谐;"物与境谐"之境界透露出他在魏晋动乱社会中淡薄名利、持节操守的胸襟气韵;"秋菊"、"南山"等意象表达了他在易代前后健康长寿的愿望;语言含蓄深刻,意在言外,富于哲思.  相似文献   
根据调查资料,分析了太白山牛皮桦林的种类组成、多样性、结构及演替趋势.依据聚类分析法和群落相似系数法将牛皮桦林分为4个类型.排序结果表明,坡向和海拔高度是影响牛皮桦林的主导因子  相似文献   
本文通过田野调查,记录了武当山道教九月初九真武圣寿斋醮法事的宗教活动,从宗教人类学的角度审视了斋醮仪式的源流及其社会功能.  相似文献   
洛阳龙门山和邙山近年出土的三件石刻文物 ,反映了唐宋之间佛教信仰的兴盛。这种带有鲜明地望特色的文物信息 ,是中古时期封建士庶乡土情怀的真实映照。  相似文献   
普陀山佛教文化 ,源远流长 ,丰富多彩。本文主要介绍了普陀山作为观音道场的由来、佛教文化发展历程、历史上的高僧及主要修行法门、帝王及信众的护持、寺塔建筑、诗书联额、“海天佛国”风光等方面的有关内容  相似文献   
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